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“Every great design begins with an even better story.”

Studying the history of design unlocks a treasure trove of insights that offer a profound understanding of the world we inhabit. Design, as a reflection of cultural, social, and technological contexts, carries the imprints of the human experience. By delving into its history, we gain a nuanced comprehension of how design has responded to and influenced societal changes. Learning about design evolution allows us to trace the roots of current aesthetic preferences, decipher the motivations behind particular design movements, and discern the societal values embedded in the artifacts of each era. This historical lens not only enhances our appreciation for the diversity of design but also cultivates a critical perspective on the symbiotic relationship between design and culture.


Moreover, the history of design is a reservoir of lessons that transcend artistic preferences and style trends. It is a chronicle of problem-solving, innovation, and resilience. Each era presents designers grappling with unique challenges, be it adapting to new technologies, addressing changing user needs, or responding to economic and political shifts. These historical case studies become invaluable resources for contemporary designers, offering practical insights into successful design strategies, as well as cautionary tales about the consequences of overlooking certain considerations. Learning from the past equips designers with a comprehensive toolkit, enabling them to approach their work not only as a creative endeavour but also as a strategic and informed process with a deep appreciation for the lessons learned through time.


Creative Briefs explores that history in a way that is as engaging and fun as it is informative in order to bring these amazing stories to an audience beyond the design world.

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Jon Racinskas is a Creative Director, designer, educator, and filmmaker based in Austin, Texas and Toronto, Ontrario. He has over two decades of building and leading creative teams around the world, most notably in Seoul, Cape Town, and Los Angeles.


He founded the creative studio, Steuerhaus, after leaving the agency world in 2021 in order to serve his own clients. Steuerhaus clients include Deloitte, Leatherman, and Meta.


Like most professional creatives, when he's not working on client projects, he's working on his own. Creative Briefs is one of those personal projects, one that appeals to his educator-nature and desperation for attention.


You can reach him here.





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